

Every seafarer intending to serve aboard a Cook Islands vessel must hold a Seafarer Discharge book.

The Seafarer Discharge Book shall contain the following minimum information:

• Name of seafarer,

• Capacity of seafarer onboard,

• Details of ship,

• Type of voyages,

• Date of joining and leaving the ship,

• Signature of the Master

The Cook Islands accepts and recognizes Seamans Discharge Books issued by foreign flags and does not require that the document be issued in accordance with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No.185 Seafarer Identity Document.

The Master of the vessel, Vessel Management Company and relevant Maritime Training Institutions shall be responsible for updating and verifying records contained within the Seafarer Discharge Book.

The Application Form for Cook Islands Seafarer Discharge Book can be found attached below. 

All applications for Cook Islands Seafarer Discharge Books are to be applied for electronically via email to the Seafarer Training  & Certification Department